Graham Field - 6328
Below are all the different types of Graham Field. Select the device of your choice, to download the manual
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A Graham Field Brand 6220A STANDARD CANE 6333A BRONZE OFFSET CANE 6327 6328 BRONZE OFFSET CANE WITH ORTHO EASE GRIP ASSEMBLY amp OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS A Warning This product shouid not be used without proper instruction from a heaithcare professionai A Warning This product has a maximum user weight iimitation of 250 ibs A Warning Lumex assumes no responsibiiity for any damage or injury caused by improper instaiiation assembiy or use of this product A Warning if components are damaged or missing contact your deaier immediateiy DO NOT use substitute parts A Warning Before use ensure that aii cane tips are properiy seated and straight A Warning Use cane on dry and ievei surfaces only Do not use cane on siippery surfaces such as wet fioo ...